PhD supervisionFlora Weissgerber (ONERA, DTIS, SAPIA)Florence Tupin (Télecom Paris – LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)Sara Fleury (LEGOS, CNRS) Start date October 2025 PhD descriptionArctic sea-ice extent has been decreasing since the 90’s, which speeds up the warming of the Arctic… Continue Reading →
The labsar algorithm aims to coregistrate SAR images without using a DEM. Designed by Jean-Marie Nicolas, this algorithm is easy to use and gives good results for both interferometry and mouvement estimation. For this article, I tested the interferometric performances… Continue Reading →
Simon defended is PhD in Toulouse in February 2022, with most of his jury being remote due to COVID19 constraint. ISAE defense room was equipped with video and sound devices making it confortable despite the constraint. It was my first… Continue Reading →
The 2016 PhD graduation ceremony of Telecom ParisTech was held on the 21 April 2017. It was a great pleasure to graduate with some of my PhD friends: Sonia, so many nice memories. All my PhD supervisors also came to… Continue Reading →
In the fall 2017, I was invited to give a presentation at the Research Day of the LTCI lab at Telecom ParisTech. It was a great occasion to meet my ex-colleagues and discover the hot topic of the other researchers…. Continue Reading →
The first North American CryoSat Science Meeting was held in Banff, in the beautiful Canadian Rockies. As it was my first conference linked to my post-doc (which in on the swath processing of CryoSat-2 SARIn products), I learn a lot about the satellite, the… Continue Reading →
First was the travel. My PhD Defense was hold on Friday the 29th of November. This was a cold but sunny day, with nearly no train or RER delays. The car-travel to Telecom ParisTech with the food for the cocktail… Continue Reading →
The ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium 2016 (ODAS) was hold in the DLR facilities in Oberpfaffenhofen. It was the occasion of great exchanges between the ONERA and DLR remote sensing team. I learned a lot on the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X data acquisition… Continue Reading →
My article entitled “Resolution enhancement of polarimetric images using a high resolution mono-channel image” won the first prize of the EuSAR 2016 Student Award. The work presented in this article was the extension of the work I presented in POLinSAR… Continue Reading →
Corner reflectors designed for radar are targets that reflect the wave emitted by the satellite back to the antenna. The combined reflections on the 3 mirors redirect the waves in their original direction and it can be demonstrated by simple math. We can decompose… Continue Reading →
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