I am part of IVA team in ONERA, DTIS. In the team, we are working in image processing, including inverse problem and deep-learning for multimodal image interpretation, image-based measurement in experimental physics, sensor-processing co-design, robotics and of course, remote sensing.
I am currently supervising the following doctoral candidates:
- Nathan Letheule, “Semantic segmentation of optical images for SAR simulation”, with Elise Colin and Sylvain Lobry
- Lucrezia Tosato, “Multi-level and multi modal fusion for VQA on remote sensing images” with Laurent Wendling and Sylvain Lobry
- Louis Newman, “Deep learning methods using high-resolution radar optical fusion for large-scale structural monitoring of buildings” with Pierre Fournier and Dimitri Lallement
And supervising the following interns:
- Swann Briand, “ALUMHI : Automatic Land Use Maps from Historical Images”, with Pierre Fournier and Magali Weissgerber
I supervised the following defended PhDs:
- Simon Erdmann, “Imagerie de speckle dynamique haute cadence appliquée à la vascularisation cutanée et sous-cutanée”, directed by Xavier Orlik and Elise Colin (defended on the 15/02/2022)
and the following interns:
- Mathias Montginoux, “Analyse de l’apport des images satellite radar pour l’estimation du couvert neigeux afin d’améliorer la prévision du productible hydraulique”, with Alexandre Girard and Celine Monteil, EDF R&D (EGU)